Forums - MvC2 questions about lower tier/odddball teams Show all 39 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2 questions about lower tier/odddball teams ( Posted by Gandido on 10:04:2001 08:40 PM: MvC2 questions about lower tier/odddball teams I know that some people like playing with the not-so-common characters, (SonSon, Marrow, Hayato, etc.), so I am here to give strats for those who wish to play as these "oddball" characters. If you want strats (infinites, combos, etc) just go ahead and ask away. Posted by TimeFlip on 10:04:2001 08:51 PM: Who would you recommend with SonSon? I've been using Psy AAA, Cyc AAA, or Doom AAA. And who works well with Thanos. Thanx in advance. Posted by Gandido on 10:04:2001 09:26 PM: Well, first off, use SonSon AAA. She can handle herself really good, that is, if you like playing mind games on people. Several teams I've used for her are: Strider/Doom/SonSon (her aaa does guard break to strider's ragnarok, and its quick coming out), Storm/Sent/SonSon (you can flip the order for this to get better dhc results). She goes amazingly great with Sentinel, because while you send out your drones, you can dash and do the crawl-under-opponent move for an easy crossover. Another fave of mine is to do wall-walk while Sent drones come out, press kick RIGHT BEFORE the middle of the screen, and as she shows up on the other side, the drones hit. Its a bitch to block. ALso, for combo preference, I prefer the pole (DILDO!) super over the pow, unless you're DHC'ing from something else, which really brings up laughs. Her most simple, but effective combo is: dash, c.wk,fp, fk, her shoryuken move with fp xx dildo pole super. It does 50%, wastes only one bar, and sets up wonderful DHC opportinities (Hailstorm...hehe). You could also do c.wk,c.wk,, shoryuken with fp (ONE HIT, and do it on the ground, don't try to tiger knee it) cancelled into her pole super. The reason for doing it on the ground is, that right after the super ends, you can airdash AND throw an unexpected assist right on the moment, which, if you are a good wave dasher, you can pull off another combo right there. For Thanos, use him as capture. I don't really know much about him though. I'll get back to you on this later, when I talk to a friend who uses him on point. Posted by KC0173 on 10:04:2001 10:36 PM: not sure if she's a " not-sp-common" character, but can ya give me some strats on Ruby Heart? I usually just do basic aircombos. Is there a trap for her with Doom? and anakaris too. thnx Posted by strider_hien on 10:05:2001 01:40 AM: Who goes well with Mbison? and what kinda strats?? I know his combos, but don't know some strats. Posted by Gandido on 10:05:2001 01:14 PM: As for Ruby Heart, Viscant once said something very important. You should try to be able to have a ghost, and any of the following: (diagonal anchor, fountain, or barrel) all of the time flooding the screen. If you REALLY want to go on a Ruby-Heart combo frenzy, look at J00 and Juta's combo vid #4. As for her trap with Doom, I do: ghost, call doom, fountain with fk and diagonal anchor. Haven't really tried a lot with it though. For Bison, mix up with a good AAA that covers area (Ken, Cammy or Capcom) and someone like Doom or Sent which keeps your enemy at bay. Also, you can try trapping with Psycho Field, teleport to the other side, throw an assist like Sent or Doom, and do a mini-trap. His psycho crusher combos does much damage, abuse it. Thanos, I'll get back to you... still experimenting Posted by Gandido on 10:06:2001 03:46 AM: *bump* Posted by KC0173 on 10:06:2001 05:53 AM: ok, new one.... Tron(projectile) I started using her in a Mag team, where I would + assist,, tron hits..... question about that though... when i did it to the comp in arcade mode, i was easily able to dash in and launch. later in the levels, level 5 or 6, i couldn't connect a, c.hp after the hits from the assist. is this cuz in the first couple rounds the comp wasn't blocking? or is it my timing. o yeah, and please do list some strats for tron. thnx Posted by KC0173 on 10:06:2001 05:02 PM: i forgot to ask, but does tron's projectile assist have to be blocked low? or can they be standing and still block? Posted by aquarake on 10:06:2001 05:05 PM: go here for morrigan Posted by Gandido on 10:06:2001 05:10 PM: Well, someone saved me the time for Morrigan! Thanks Aquarake. As for Tron, abuse her Lunch Rush super, a LOT. It does the same damage regardless of defense, and it combos easily out of mp. As for her assist, it doesn't have to be blocked low. Strats: not too familiar, but get an assist like Storm projectile to back up whenever you do her Drill move across the screen so you can forget the lag time. Mag huh? I think NeoAkira vdeo 8 has a nice combo with them, try and give it a look. the vid is on clockw0rks site. Posted by Gandido on 10:07:2001 04:29 PM: *bump* Posted by Doomz Day on 10:07:2001 07:39 PM: ok what about omaga red I try to play with him but i dont know what to do what do you think. and also who should be his back up Posted by mindtricks on 10:07:2001 07:58 PM: i would just like general strategy/tips/combo's on my team of: Dhalsim(Projectile)/Cammy(dash)/CaptainCommando(Anti-Air) Generally I poke with Dhalsim with his cr.lp, cr.lp, cr.hp. and cross-up the opponent by ad-uf and calling out CapCom. Occasionally, I throw an LP Yoga fire and use it as coverage to aid rushdown. While I'm poking, If I catch the opponent sleeping, I call out Cammy's Spiral Arrow. Dhalsim is my battery, and usually by the time he dies, Cammy's got 5 bars to work with. With Cammy, I rushdown heavily backed by CapCom, trying to land her B&B, and since I have 5 levels of super, one landed Air Combo can result in a severly damaged enemy. Otherwise I punish mistakes with a TK'd Spiral Arrow and poke with If I lose my Cammy, CapCom comes in and I usually turtle a bit with him, trying to catch the opponent in a Corridor XX Captain Sword. Against non-beamers, I will play some keep-away/gain meter for myself by sj. Captain Fires although its not quite safe against some people. Is there anything else I need to know? Or should fix? Please don't tell me to replace any one, because that is not what I intend to do. Posted by mousseduck on 10:07:2001 10:55 PM: Not only a bump, but I want some feedback as well. What about this team? Rogue (Throw), Tron (Projectile), Cammy (Anti-Air) My strategy is to rush down (obviously) with triangle jumping with Rogue and while she is hitting, let Tron come out with her assist to put major damage on the opponent. Cammy is a great character in her own right with her speed and her Anti-Air assist (which I need because I face a lot of flying Sentinels and Storms, and et cetera...) She also helps out Tron a lot when I have to put her on point by keeping her safe while doing Tiger Knee motion Drills. Any advice on this team? Especially against Mags and Cable. Posted by Gandido on 10:07:2001 11:06 PM: Mousseduck: The team is great, but I would suggest putting an actual projectile like what sent does to cover your drills instead. Cammy will force them to keep on the ground where they can and WILL punish you. Rogue assist into her lunch rush could work as well. Cammy's AAA will probably eat Mag's rushdown attempts for lunch while you put on pressure with Rogue, and tron's assist will do the damage for you free. mindtricks: I'm not that much of a sim player, but I suggest that you use and abuse his sj. fk, and dash back for immediate coverage. Also use his lp Yoga fires, as you said, to aid rushdown and trap. I understand why you use Cammy as a dash, although I don't highly promote it because 'Sim can keep distance by himself. Doomz Day: This might sound highly odd, but try playing Omega Red/Marrow/Silver Samurai. This team is a trapping sensation. hitting with Omega Red while spewing out Marrow projectile assists is great for trapping, and you have SS-ground to back up marrow while she cheese-traps your opponent to death. For OR solo, try and learn his infinites, and learn to use and abuse his coils. Always recoil when you do Omega Strikes. Posted by saotomesword on 10:08:2001 01:03 AM: Felicia This may be out of the blue, but how do you connect Felicia's help me hyper combo without the sweep and by herself? Oh, and also, how do you connect Doom's Photon Ray hyper combo in the air fully? Posted by orochi_shin on 10:08:2001 01:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gandido For Bison, mix up with a good AAA that covers area (Ken, Cammy or Capcom) and someone like Doom or Sent which keeps your enemy at bay. Also, you can try trapping with Psycho Field, teleport to the other side, throw an assist like Sent or Doom, and do a mini-trap. His psycho crusher combos does much damage, abuse it. You know you got that shit from me dude Posted by mindtricks on 10:08:2001 02:47 AM: quote: Oh, and also, how do you connect Doom's Photon Ray hyper combo in the air fully? Doom isn't a lower tier by any means. Anyway, before inputting the motion of the Air Photon Array Hyper, add a HP. The HP won't connect but projects you forward and places you in perfect position to connect the Hyper. Posted by KC0173 on 10:08:2001 05:45 AM: quote: before inputting the motion of the Air Photon Array Hyper, add a HP. The HP won't connect but projects you forward and places you in perfect position to connect the Hyper. or you can just airdash so that your over them. that's what i usually do. Posted by FlipBonne on 10:08:2001 08:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gandido Well, someone saved me the time for Morrigan! Thanks Aquarake. As for Tron, abuse her Lunch Rush super, a LOT. It does the same damage regardless of defense, and it combos easily out of mp. As for her assist, it doesn't have to be blocked low. Strats: not too familiar, but get an assist like Storm projectile to back up whenever you do her Drill move across the screen so you can forget the lag time. Mag huh? I think NeoAkira vdeo 8 has a nice combo with them, try and give it a look. the vid is on clockw0rks site. Tron is best played as the 2nd or 3rd character. Her projectile assist does hella damage and can be set up for combos, her drill does a whole lot of chip damage and you can also cancel into her QCB+2P super for even more chip damage. Try doing her drill like an AHVB that one has a lot less lag than the one on the ground and don't forget to mash the hell out of it ( I can get it up to about 28 hits by itself) also if you do the ahvb one you can get a throw when you land and go for an otg into the basic air combo unless you're in the corner then go lp lk lp lk Throw then otg again. if you need any more just ask Posted by saotomesword on 10:08:2001 03:19 PM: I really appreciate the stuff about Doom, but still, wut about Felicia? I really gots ta know. Posted by *Magneto* on 10:08:2001 04:46 PM: If anyone needs thanos or Iceman strats just let me know. I have beatin alot of top tier teams with them. -*Magneto* Posted by myleftshoe on 10:08:2001 08:20 PM: What are some good thanos strats & combos/ Usually i just assist and jump, qfp then do his knee smash thing alot. Then just try to chip with power ball hyper. Or do simple air combos. I can't even land the infinite(something that just bugs me)! I hate asking about how to use characters, but I really need help reaching the next level w/him. Posted by jballa1 on 10:08:2001 09:15 PM: Here is a low tier team i use to have fun. Ken(AAA) Jin(AAA) Bison (Variety) I use Ken to build some fast meter with his hurricane glitch air combos then i use his shryuu reppa (rising uppercut) DHC to great cyclone takes almost 50%. Also no matter who in i have a great assist out the match. Also bison has great air combos and nice ground chains with that exploding ball thing i don't know what its called its also a great assist. Jin is least amount of hits lots of damage. best way to connect Blodia punch crouching lp lp xx Blodia punch does only 6-8 hits but lots of damage easy to do too. Posted by saotomesword on 10:08:2001 11:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by jballa1 best way to connect Blodia punch crouching lp lp xx Blodia punch does only 6-8 hits but lots of damage easy to do too. Technically, if u want someone to do few hits with lots of damage, and with a low tier character, u should use Juggernaut. Also there is psycho damage with a fully mashed out head crush from any one of those supports by Ken or Bison Posted by hachihyaku on 10:08:2001 11:38 PM: Jin on point with Tron projectile assist is a very dangerous combo, simply because if Jin hits one of his super-ass-risky flying drills (d + HK in air) he WILL give 50% damage. Drill, duck lp, call Tron, duck lp, Dynamite Half their life is gone. Stupidest, easiest combo he has, but the most effective. If I remember right you can do his ducking drill too, which is just his "classic" drill x drill x Dynamite old school combo, with Tron thrown in. Posted by mousseduck on 10:09:2001 02:13 AM: quote: Technically, if u want someone to do few hits with lots of damage, and with a low tier character, u should use Juggernaut. Also there is psycho damage with a fully mashed out head crush from any one of those supports by Ken or Bison That may be true, but I would rather have Jin on point for a couple of reasons: 1. Much smaller target. It's a lot harder to combo Jin than it is to combo Juggy. 2. For Juggy to be really effective he needs to be glitched. And against good players, it will be very hard to power-up and get off screen. 3. It's very hard to mash the Headcrush for all 8 hits. Jin's 2 mashable supers (the Blodia Punch and the Blodia Vulcan) are a lot easier to mash and get damage from. Then again, Juggy's Headcrush is a lot easier to hit with, so that evens it out. 4. Assists: Juggy has one good one (Dash). Jin has 1 good assist (Expansion) and one great assist (Anti-Air). And I would much rather have a great Anti-Air than Juggy's assist. 5. Normal moves Jin's normals are a LOT better than Juggy's. Jin's moves may have lag, but they are Cammy-like compared to Juggy's. Also, most of Jin's normals chip, unlike Juggy's. For these reasons, I believe that Jin is better than Juggy. Posted by Tetsugaku on 10:09:2001 02:30 AM: Re: Felicia quote: Originally posted by saotomesword This may be out of the blue, but how do you connect Felicia's help me hyper combo without the sweep and by herself? Oh, and also, how do you connect Doom's Photon Ray hyper combo in the air fully? You can combo Please Help Me after a standing back roundhouse. Remember, you have to be holding back to get the correct version of her roundhouse. Certain assists, like gambits projectile help connect it. Not that hard. Posted by BshidoHEAT on 10:09:2001 05:26 AM: If anyone is interested in Omega Red... Sorry, but I can't help you with finding out where to get information about Omega Red...*looks at sig* OH there it is!! Posted by Gandido on 10:11:2001 12:13 PM: *bump* Posted by Aoishi2AL on 10:11:2001 08:26 PM: Hayato how do you use him. What I do is: b+fp jp fp fp or something like that then I pop up - air chain - and then do the electricity super. Can you tell me how to cancel into Dark Hayato well? Como se usa la jodia papa? Como se usa el cabron de Colosus? Posted by Gandido on 10:11:2001 10:29 PM: Hayato huh? Well, his only advantages are his lvl 3 super, an infinite (kinda hard if you ask me). Plus, he IS kind of slow, but if you try and mix up his supers, well, I think you can pull off something nice. His "shockwave" super is a good combo finisher, but so is his plasma ball thing. Hayato has his range going for him, having a sword and stuff. You can poke in nicely with c.wp or just wp. If you mess up cancels to his Sword Combo super after the 2 swing special move, you can cancel the second hit into the shockwave. As for linking Dark Hayato, you can do the lil-combo that ends in the Plasma Ball (so you waste one bar instead of 3). You can always link it by: 1) Link it after the air-combo in the corner with c.wk, wp xx dark hayato... 2) whenever you go in with the 2 swings move, cancel the first hit to Dark Hayato or 3) whenever you do a Plasma Combo, link it. La Papa es Amingo? Well, just do his infinite for meter making, but I don't have anything else for you right now. Sorry Aoshi And for Colossus, ask Eduardo. "PINGAAAAAA!!" Posted by saotomesword on 10:12:2001 10:41 PM: Re: Re: Felicia Originally posted by Tetsugaku: You can combo Please Help Me after a standing back roundhouse. Remember, you have to be holding back to get the correct version of her roundhouse. Certain assists, like gambits projectile help connect it. Not that hard. Thanx, but u see, I was looking for combos into the Help Me thing. I really don't trust single move connectors or supports('cept to go into the air Hyper Viper Beam). If u know any combos into the Help Me, post it. I already got down the stuff except for the Help Me. Posted by saotomesword on 10:13:2001 02:00 AM: Re: Re: Re: Felicia well, if ur not going to help me, I might as well help u. In the corner press lp,lp,hp,then rollout attack,wait until she hits the guy, then do Help Me. Beats the hell outta the combos u made!!! Posted by MilkMan on 10:14:2001 03:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by *Magneto* If anyone needs thanos or Iceman strats just let me know. I have beatin alot of top tier teams with them. -*Magneto* I need some thanos strategies thx Posted by orochi_shin on 10:14:2001 03:42 AM: I want to know how to use Bison Posted by Radsterdyik on 10:14:2001 05:01 PM: Bison (Vega) is the shiznik. His huge disadvantage is that unless youve been paying him for a while, his air combo will only connect like 2/5 times. I use sentinel behind him usually, because the drones come in overhead as anti-air protection, and are then a projectile, giving you time to use the psycho field (half circle back + p). Its a nice keepaway if you ask me, especially because if you block, they WILL get hit by psycho field. Im going to explain a nice trap with him (it could be push blocked at certain times, but will not leave you helpless). It could be variated depending on your helper (depending if you have a fast projectile like iron-man or a slow one like sabretooth)... but here it goes for sentinel. Dash in, lk, hk + sentinel ground assist, hp psycho-field, hk scissor kick (will keep you from being push blocked), then psycho field should explode, start again with hk + assist. Works in the corner too, because a little bit of the psycho field will hit the back of the person. Be careful around quick supers like Juggernaut. Some combo connectors: air combo lp, lk, mp, mk, hk scissor kick, after second hit psycho crusher ground: lk, d + hk, scissor kick, psycho crusher lk, hk, Knee Press Nightmare super Remember... in the corner you can connect multiple hyper psycho fields. His Knee Press Nightmare (hyper scissor kick) does craaaaaaaazy damage if connected from the opposite side of the screen. I dont know why. Also great block damage, especially if backed up by assists like doom AA. A nice confusion with him is like this: superjump straight up, hk scissor kick over opponent, then do psycho crusher in THE SAME direction as the kick was done. He will go the other way though, into the opponent, and if you miss, he will fall to safety. An overall undermined character, as you can see =) Posted by orochi_shin on 10:15:2001 01:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by Radsterdyik Bison (Vega) is the shiznik. His huge disadvantage is that unless youve been paying him for a while, his air combo will only connect like 2/5 times. I use sentinel behind him usually, because the drones come in overhead as anti-air protection, and are then a projectile, giving you time to use the psycho field (half circle back + p). Its a nice keepaway if you ask me, especially because if you block, they WILL get hit by psycho field. Im going to explain a nice trap with him (it could be push blocked at certain times, but will not leave you helpless). It could be variated depending on your helper (depending if you have a fast projectile like iron-man or a slow one like sabretooth)... but here it goes for sentinel. Dash in, lk, hk + sentinel ground assist, hp psycho-field, hk scissor kick (will keep you from being push blocked), then psycho field should explode, start again with hk + assist. Works in the corner too, because a little bit of the psycho field will hit the back of the person. Be careful around quick supers like Juggernaut. Some combo connectors: air combo lp, lk, mp, mk, hk scissor kick, after second hit psycho crusher ground: lk, d + hk, scissor kick, psycho crusher lk, hk, Knee Press Nightmare super Remember... in the corner you can connect multiple hyper psycho fields. His Knee Press Nightmare (hyper scissor kick) does craaaaaaaazy damage if connected from the opposite side of the screen. I dont know why. Also great block damage, especially if backed up by assists like doom AA. A nice confusion with him is like this: superjump straight up, hk scissor kick over opponent, then do psycho crusher in THE SAME direction as the kick was done. He will go the other way though, into the opponent, and if you miss, he will fall to safety. An overall undermined character, as you can see =) THANKS! But I have a q: When you say opposite side of the screen what do you mean by that?! All times are GMT. The time now is 10:08 PM. 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